Mix-up Expedition

Lev was no pushover.

In fact, if someone were to challenge him at any given moment, he'd charge on that person with every ounce on his being like a wounded tiger or a rabid dog. He doesn't cower during emergencies as well, and that's why no one dared offend him in his workplace. Everyone was perfectly aware of how Lev acts when he loses his composure.

And right now, he was at the limit of losing it.

"Put this on and head to the hangar where the exploration team is located and please do a darn good job in assisting them." The captain spoke, hitting Lev on the shoulder. "Unfortunately for you, I'm in the mood of sending you to that planet over there. Kudos to you for sleeping on your first day as a recruit, what a nice way to end your life so early."

The captain shook his head and slapped Lev right on the face. "I won't have a recruit sleeping on my ship, you hear me?!" He barked before turning around.


By that point, Lev's vision went black and he didn't know what transpired after. All he knew was that his hand grabbed something and his fingers dug onto it as if it were a pillow. The next thing he knew, the captain was already bleeding on his head, unconscious on the ground. Apparently, his hand grabbed the edge of the strategy table and smashed it on the captain's head. Had the captain not been wearing a protective helmet, he would've died right then and there.

What's even more fascinating was the fact that the strategy table weighed more than a ton and yet Lev threw it around with ease. When he regained his composure, however, he couldn't even move it an inch.

"Lev! What are you doing?!" Someone Lev doesn't know spoke up, "Tsk, and this is why I told you guys not to do that. Seriously, captain, you should've just told him properly. I told you he hailed from a Carnage Class! And you, Pietrus Lev, what were you thinking? Couldn't you hold your temper for just a second? This is our captain right here, you could've killed him!"

The crew of the ship stopped what they were doing and stared at the commotion wherein Lev was in the middle of. This made Lev redden a little bit as he felt the urge to go to a corner and hide. He was also clueless as to what happened just now and upon seeing the familiar person yell at him due to his temper, he didn't want to find out what caused it.

"Sheesh, as your childhood friend and the assistant captain of this ship, I was against your recruitment. Then again, your grandparents had such a huge influence on it that we didn't have any choice. Please don't cause any more trouble than you already did." The man continued to speak, scratching his head before dragging the captain away from the scene of the crime. "Everybody get back to work, I don't want another crash-landing incident to happen, not on my watch. My promotion is on the line here."

Everybody nodded and turned back to their screen. Nevertheless, they couldn't help but glance towards Lev from time to time as he stood still in the middle of the room.

However, Lev wasn't listening to the person who casually implicated that he was his childhood friend. The first thought that occurred in his mind upon hearing his berating was his name. Pietrus Lev. Right now, he was in an entirely different place and setting, and yet his name still remained the same. Aside from that, his temper was also conveniently covered up by his race called the Carnage Class, whatever that means.

"Uhm... excuse me, recruit?" A lady tapped him by the shoulder. "You should probably head to the hangar. The exploration team's waiting for you."

Out of impulse, Lev turned around to face the lady, to which the lady flinched in response. She was probably expecting Lev to hit her with the strategy table once again but Lev couldn't lift it a millimeter up the ground at the moment— and it's not like Lev planned to hit a lady.

In the end, Lev had no idea what to do and he actually felt sorry for hitting the captain of the ship. 'Now that I think about it, I'm just a recruit. There's no way to sugarcoat what I just did since it was way out of line. For now, I have to make it up to the captain and redeem myself by doing a good job on this expedition. Otherwise, I might get fired from being a recruit when it was just my first day.' He said to himself, nodding at the lady before heading to the hangar.

'I don't know what's happening. This is probably a dream or some sort of limbo because I could clearly remember being dead. In any case, I should just do what I can and try not to cause any more problems. How did I manage to lift that strategy table though?'

There was a huge sign on the top of every entranceway which shifts from time to time like a presentation on loop. On one of its slides, a map of the ship could be seen. This was how Lev managed to get a vague idea as to where the hangar was.

"Exploration team, huh. Am I really in outer space?" Lev asked, constantly glancing out of the windows which showed the darkness of the beyond, littered with stars and planets from afar.


"Benedict, why? Why didn't you tell me?"

Back at the ship's infirmary, Benedict, the assistant captain of Space Cruise Zero-One-Zero-Five (also known as the Space Cruise Upsilon-Chi) wiped the blood off of the captain's head. Fortunately, Captain Zed was of the Cleric Class which is regenerative in nature. Because of that, it only took him a few minutes before his wound on the head completely healed. Also, Lev only used a fraction of his power so he didn't really attempt to kill the captain when he lost his temper. Of course, if he chose to, he could've easily bashed his head right in, killing him instantly before he even realized what went on.

"I already told you, sir, he's from the Carnage Class but you weren't listening to me." Benedict sighed. "For now, he's been sent to the exploration team with your orders."

"But... isn't he of the Gargantuan Class? That guy was almost seven feet tall, you know. And regular humans don't exceed six feet these days."

"No, he's not of the Gargantuan Class, not that I"m aware of that. Although... I never really met his dad when we were children. His identity must've been hidden since no one knew a thing about his dad back in our city. Still, sir, would it really be okay for him to go with the Exploration Team?"

"He'll be fine, it's not like he'll die if he gets roughed up a little bit. Besides, if worse comes to worst, I'm sure he'd be able to get back alive. This voyage is pretty important, you know, we'll be harvesting purple blood."

Of course, Benedict knew that much without the captain saying it. Purple blood has been a valuable resource for humans. Said to only be found in 912—Yggdrassil, a supercluster known for the bizarre forms of life that existed there, this Purple blood is the key to aging— well, it's more than that. Purple blood is said to be the main ingredient for curing space sickness. A common illness caused by traveling into space but incurable, and it has a 96% mortality rate.

After a few minutes of resting and wallowing about on one of the sickbay beds, Captain Zed finally completely recovered and there was not a scar found on his head. Thanks to his Cleric Class, he heals faster than normal humans. "Did you already send them out? We don't have time as it is."

"Yes, sir. The expedition team is en route, ETA 6 minutes before arrival on Planet Y-10xb69— "

"You mean the Purple Planet? That's weird, did I send them over there?" Captain Zed rubbed his chin in bewilderment. "Was there a mix-up, perhaps?"

"Why, sir?" Benedict asked, a little anxious.

"You know, the Purple Planet... it's home to the Caix Tribe."