

After hearing a strange 'bloop' sound, Lev felt what he could only describe as the weirdest phenomenon he has ever experienced. As soon as Upsilon-Chi entered the wormhole, it became stable, no, it was as if time took a standstill and it didn't budge from where it was. The view became pitch black, much darker than anything Lev has ever seen. And adding to that...

... there was no sound to be heard, no nothing.

Lev likened it to the feeling of being feverish— where you hear sounds that weren't supposed to be there, and you see things that are nonexistent. It was the very definition of limbo, not one nor the other.

The sensation lasted for a mere five seconds and then everything was back to normal. Captain Zed heaved a sigh of relief as the journey through the wormhole was over before it even started. The scenery in front of the main deck drastically changed. There were more stars and planets visible and a few space cruisers and ships could be seen flying casually through.

"Whoaaa~~~" Lev couldn't help but exclaim after seeing the scenery straight out of his dreams. For years he had hoped tha the people of earth would reach such a level of technology where space travel would be possible. But unfortunately, he died before that could even happen.

That's why the breath-taking scene was enough to make him teary-eyed. Who would've thought that after he died, he would witness the very thing he dreamed of for a long time.

"This is the Local Supercluster, also known as the Virgo Supercluster. This is where Main Earth is located. What a treat, right, Leo? You've always wanted to see the Main Earth. I mean, ever since I've known you that's all you talk about." Benedict pleasantly smiled as he nudged Leo on the ribs.

"Yeah," It was obvious that Leo was speechless, not because he was about to see the Main Earth after all these years, but because of how far technological advancement has come. Spaceships abound in their view and they were a part of it. Space travel was not a myth anymore, or at least, that's what Leo told himself upon witnessing such a glorious sight.

"This is your first time going to the Main Earth, right? You should be grateful, not everyone could get into the Main Earth. Us explorers are one of the few blessed ones." Benedict said.

"Yeah, that's why you die early," Titania responded a matter-of-factly but Benedict didn't want to ruin the moment for his childhood friend so he just shrugged the comment off with a light chuckle.

"What's Main Earth like?" Leo asked out of the blue as he gazed afar off. "We're still on the edge of the Virgo Supercluster, right? How would we get into the Milky Way Galaxy in a flash, let alone the Solar System? Wouldn't that take a long time?"

"Normally it would, but wormholes abound everywhere. You just need the right instruments to detect them." Benedict continued. Of course, even though Leo was quite knowledgeable when it comes to certain subjects about space, it's impossible for him to know anything. Besides, this is just his first day as a recruit so there were still a lot of things he hasn't encountered and learned from yet. That's why it was understandable that he didn't know about the abundance of wormholes. Some sensitive topics aren't discussed in the academy after all.

"I see,"



After traveling through a wormhole for the second time, Leo's eyes were already tearing up. He didn't want to close his eyes as they traveled since he wanted to burn everything into his memory. He had already died once and he knew that he could lose consciousness at any given moment since life itself is inconsistent. And so he decided to make the most out of his life.

[Approaching Main Earth... ]

[Space Cruise Zero One Zero Five, Upsilon Chi, you are free to land, please approach Runway Three.]

"Right here we go." Captain Zed announced. A few people behind screens nodded toward them and worked their way to control the ship so it could approach Runway Three.

'So it's like landing an airplane? Fascinating.' Leo said inwardly. Indeed, landing a space cruise was like landing an airplane back on earth when he was still alive there.

Needless to say, the landing was successful and a few minutes later, they were able to get out of the space cruiser and for once, Leo stepped into earthen soil once again. He felt some sort of familiarity with the place since he was born and raised here in his previous life. For the first time, Leo once again breathed the fresh air of Earth and with a satisfied grin, took the first step towards the—

— the airport. That's right, the airport.

Well, it's more like a spaceport since it's an airport for space cruisers and such. It did have a great resemblance to the airport back on earth and Leo wasn't complaining. At least he won't get lost that much since the place seemed more or less familiar to him.

"We have a few days to restock supplies and fully prepare for our dangerous journey ahead. At most, it might take one week. You're free to do anything before then. Make sure to get back on the ship on time though." Captain Zed reminded everyone before he ran straight to the nearby ice cream shop.

"Always the ice cream lover, our captain," Benedict commented. "Well then, I'll be drinking the night out! How about you?"

"Sorry, we'll probably not be allowed, you know," Leo said, jerking a thumb towards Titania who was quietly following him from the rear. She walked slowly since she didn't want her wound to reopen.

"What are you talking about? She might look like a child but she can drink."

"No, I'm fine. I don't like alcohol anyways. Besides, we have somewhere we have to go to, right?" Titania said, winking at Leo as if they really did have a prior engagement.

To be fair, Leo didn't have the slightest idea as to what she was referring to.