At the Valley of Khurtiv

Location— Tartarus Star System IO 2.54673 Planet Ylbrughz (planet charlie)

Planet Ylbrughz, just like earth, is the third planet of Star System IO 2.54673. And even though Planet Ylbrughz is in the location coined as the Goldilocks Zone of that aforementioned Star System, it is so hot that no place could even be considered the Goldilocks Zone on its surface. The only beings capable of living in this galaxy were extremophile organisms.

Aside from that, only the Pyro-sync Class could survive such harsh conditions.

On a certain valley in Planet Ylbrughz, where the scorching heat was much more intense compared to other places, a towering figure could be seen slowly walking through it, like a lone wolf who'd just been driven away from its pack. The figure was at least seven feet tall, but that was due to the heavy armor he wore. His armor, made of a special alloy that could withstand even the full blast of the sun, was already molten in color due to the heat. A haze of smoke encompassed his whole body as the heat continued to seep through his system. His skin was of molten color as well, with the occasional spurt of flames, sometimes even blue in color. Every time he breathed, a cloud of smoke escaped his mouth as if he was a heavy smoker. His helmet, likened to the helmet of the ancient Greeks, obscured the vision of anyone who sees him.

His trudge seemed to be pointless, but right now, he has a clear purpose in mind. Just a few miles northward was a colony of humans in the Pyro-sync Class. Well, the colony was much farther than that though, his aim was actually a certain group of Pyro-sync's who call themselves the Infernals. He doesn't care whether the colony right behind the location of the Infernals was to be compromised. Everyone on this planet could die, for all he cares. But that wasn't the priority, the priority is to get rid of every Infernal member there is in the universe.

"I am Hellspawn, and my rage is as unquenchable as my heart enflamed." He said with a growl in his voice. A bright glint of red flashed underneath his helmet, it was his eyes full of bloodthirst and fury.


The Infernals were a group of Pyro-sync Class humans revered greatly in all the four corners of the known universe relative to Main Earth. After all, their predecessors were the people who greatly turned the tides of War during the Battle of Gammadurva during the Deluvian Era. During this Era, the four great Sync Classes fought for territory and the Hydro-sync Class was at a huge advantage. They were able to push the other three Classes and establish a firm territory of their own. For decades, the Hydro-sync Classes pushed the other Classes, cornering them until it had brought the Aero-sync and Geo-sync Classes to their knees. Back then, the Pyro-sync Classes were still maintaining a low profile so they weren't that targeted by the Hydro-sync Class. Also, water has a clear advantage against fire so the Pyro-sync Class wasn't even a threat in the first place.

But boy were they wrong.

As soon as the Infernals entered the battlefield, everything tipped in their favor. They were winning battles after battles. No matter how strong the Hydro-sync Class was, they were outmatched by the sheer firepower of the Pyro-sync. At that point in history, the Pyro-sync Class was deemed the apex, the pinnacle of all the Classes.

And thus, the Gammadurva Treaty was formed, and the four Classes united as the Hydro-sync Class waved their white flag. Since then, the Infernals were deemed as the heroes of the Deluvian Era and none dared offend them.

And yet, a lone Pyro-sync Class was currently trudging along the Valley of Khurtiv, flagrantly unsheathing his sword and conspicuously dragging it, all the while fixating his eyes on the dome barrier that's considered the base of the Infernals on this planet.

"State the purpose of your visit!" One of the lookouts screamed through a device that amplified the volume of his voice. The scout seemed like a normal human who was barely six feet tall, with a tall lanky build and his body was engulfed with flames from head to toe. The only visible feature one could see on him was the red streak he has on the upper part of his face, his eyes.

Although Hellspawn heard him, he ignored his request and continued his unhurried charge.

"Flash your identification card, fellow comrade! Or else we will not be as compassionate!" The lookout once again screamed but Hellspawn didn't take heed. He continued his purposeful stroll.

Hellspawn increased his pace.

As soon as he got into a comfortable distance, he swung his sword around and released flames from his body, using the sword as a catalyst to fire off a spire of flame that easily knocked the lookouts from their watchtowers. Since Hellspawn was one of them, they thought that he was just playing around so they let their guard down. Whilst falling, Hellspawn once sprang towards them and slashed them in half before they even touched the ground. As soon as their bodies hit the ground, there were two separate lumps of flesh instead of one since they were cut cleanly in half.

"GUARDS!" One of the lookouts who wasn't on one of the watchtowers started alerting the guards, who then came out of one of the many metallic tent-like abodes that littered the base. Just like the lookouts, the Guards didn't wear any armor or any defensive gear.

"I'm here for General Flangour," Hellspawn announced. One could tell he was a man of few words.

"The General? Heh, you came at the wrong place." One of the Guards chuckled, letting out a whistle.

Not long after, everyone in the base was alerted and they came out. There were a total of thirty Infernals. Hellspawn readied his sword in the meantime, he could tell that the battle ahead would be a tough one indeed.

"What is all the commotion about?!" A voice boomed from afar and another Infernal member walked out, this time, he was clad with a full set of Pyro-sync Class-exclusive armor, just like Hellspawn.