Sudden Arrest

"We'll best be on our way. We can't leave our station for too long." Carl said as soon as Lev got back to his senses.

"Right, I wish you all the best in your registration." Ivan waved his hand but he still wore the usual serious expression he had.

The two of them then turned around and proceeded to exit the building just when a few people in black uniforms approached Lev and Titania. All of them were probably of the Fighter Class since they emit a certain intimidating aura. Lev was unfazed, but Titania is a different topic altogether. She may be a strong Phasing Class human but she wasn't confident whether she could take all of them at once. And that's why she cowered right behind Lev. At times like this, Lev's huge build was something she could rely on.

The people in black uniforms formed a straight line as soon they arrived within an arm's length. One of the men who was slightly taller and more muscular than the rest stood in front of Lev. Lev didn't back away since he was a few inches taller than the man. He was tall enough to be considered of the Gargantuan Class after all.

"Pietrus Lev, you are hereby arrested for treason." The man said without even introducing himself first.

"What?! Treason?!" Lev roared. This wasn't what he was told about. 'Wait, did our captain know? What is going on here?' Lev asked himself but before he could make heads or tails of what was happening, the man pulled out specialized handcuffs and cuffed both his arms and legs. They did the same to Titania.

"The girl?" One of the men asked.

"Also arrested, as an accomplice." The man continued.

Things just went from zero to one hundred real quick and Lev didn't even have time to think whether he'd go on a rampage or not. Well, he did go on a rampage before he thought things through.

In an instant, a commotion broke out in the reception area, leaving the people in black uniforms in a state of shock. "What the— I thought he's in the Gargantuan Class?" The slightly more muscular guy said. He's the leader of the group.

"I thought so too as well. But why is he of the Carnage Class?"

"Is he perhaps a... a Multi-Class?!" One of the men said.

"No, it's probably just an aberration. This situation has gotten out of hand. Contact the Council and increase the threat level from Category C to B!"

"On it, captain."

Just when they were stepping away from Lev whose emotions had gotten out of control, Lev immediately grabbed the corner of the reception desk and flung it at them with great speed. As for Titania, she decided to follow Lev's lead by transforming into a bear-like creature and dragging Lev deeper into the Council's building. While everyone was trying to get their bearings together, Lev and Titania were already running inside.

One might think that what Titania did was a stupid move but it was actually a smart one. The reason why they ran deeper into the building was not that they wanted to lure the men in uniforms there, but rather, they wanted to not cause any further commotion. That way, no matter what happens, the Council nor the exploration team won't be put in a bad light by witnesses.

"Are you all right?" Titania asked, grabbing Lev by the hand since she was currently much bigger than him.

"Yeah, never better. Why do you think they were trying to arrest us? It's not like we did anything wrong." Right now, Lev was currently hopping as if he was wearing a sack on his feet. And that's because no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't remove the handcuffs put on him.

"I thought so either. We were just unregistered, even those authorities from Terea knew that we just had to get registered and everything will be fine." Titania continued. "Unless... unless you did something idiotic in the past. Did you perhaps offend a certain important figure? Or maybe you committed a heinous crime like genocide or something of the sort?"

"No, why would I do that? And even if I did, it's not like I can remember. I can't remember much about my past for some reason." Lev responded.

Ting! Ting! Ting!

Suddenly, laser-like bullets started firing from the general direction of the men in black uniforms. Since they were thrown in disarray and Lev and Titania managed to gain some distance from them, they decided to attack long-ranged. They didn't bother chasing after the two. After all, the security of the Council Headquarters is more than enough to take care of them. They, the Ashen Assembly, were just sent as an added precaution just in case Lev and Titania bolted for the exit— which they didn't do.

"Looks like our job here is done." The slightly muscular man sighed in relief. "That punk, I really thought he's one of the Gargantuan Class. Fortunately, he didn't aim for the exit. What's that idiot planning?"

Lev and Titania continued running, up the stairs and into a hallway where rooms upon rooms were lined up. They didn't know what the rooms were for but they thought that maybe they could hide in one of them. Just one glance and Titania could already tell what Lev was thinking. She nodded, and pretty soon, the two of them started checking each and every door. In the worst-case scenario that they're caught in one of the rooms, they could simply jump out the window and get out of there.

Every door they checked was locked, however, and Lev didn't bother throwing himself on one of the doors, even though that would easily open it. They were nearing the end of the hallway, and yet there was still no door unlocked.

"Pssst!" Someone suddenly called out to Lev, making him whirl around— only to see an unfamiliar face gesturing that they come to his room. "Pietrus Lev?! Come here come here!" He beckoned, opening the door even more.

"Hurry, before they see you!"