Unexpected Addition

Silence once again filled the portion of the 'tavern' where Lev and the others were grouped. They still continued eating, of course, but the heavy atmosphere that surrounded them made even Helena unable to approach them. It was obvious that they were about to bring up a very sensitive topic. And what couldn't get more sensitive than talking about someone's past while that person doesn't even remember a single thing?

"You... no, we... we were all part of the same group." Hellspawn began. "We weren't really comrades, it's just that we had a single goal in mind. We met back when we were still trainees. We were preparing to become part of the exploration team."

"I can't tell you all the details, Lev, but— we were all victims of the Council. You said you had a vague memory of your grandparents, right? The Council killed them, not because they were against the establishment of the Council, but because they were viable candidates for a couple of positions there. We don't actually know what it was since you've never told us, but all we know is that they were killed because they were qualified." Dmitri calmly explained.

"And you're not the only case," Hellspawn added. "I lost someone dear to me and was framed for her death as a result. Dmitri over here lost his parents. Because of that connection, we became close, and we went on countless missions together, as training to become 'expeditioners', of course. But, there was a traitor amongst our group, and he ratted us out. That's why we had to go our separate ways and hold off our revenge."

"We were forced to hide, and then you suddenly appear. And now we're here." Dmitri continued. "Was that all right? Or should we tell him about the... you know."

Hellspawn nodded in response. "Tell him."

The mood seemed to lighten a bit so Helena decided to come up to them and join them for dinner. She was quite enthusiastic, even serving two more plates of skewers on the house. Since all of them were quite hungry and they actually didn't want Dmitri to spend more money, they decided to accept the offer. Of course, that also meant that she could join their table as well. Because of that, the topic was put off for now.

"So, what did you guys come here for?" Helena asked out of the blue as she ate a skewer. Seeing her eat the food she brought made everyone feel bad so they offered a little bit of everything, causing her to blush. "Do you have any relatives here? Which settlement are you from?"

"We're actually explorers," Dmitri pointed out, clearing his throat. "We landed on a neighboring settlement and traveled over here. The purpose of our visit is to check the different cuisines of the settlement here. You know, Main Earth gives out a lot of pretty weird missions and stuff."

'As expected of Dmitri, he can really come up with reasons out of a blue. What a blatant liar.' Hellspawn said in his mind, wondering if he was supposed to compliment Dmitri or not.

"Wow! That must've been so nice, you know, traveling through space and stuff. I've only ever been to my uncle's stall and this inn all my life so I always fancy hearing tales just like yours. What were your most memorable adventures?" Helena cheerfully asked, causing the four of them to think up of memorable things that happened to them.

The first thing that popped into Lev's mind was how he bashed their captain's head in with a strategy table and there's no way he'd share that experience. And so he shut her mouth and waited for everyone's story. Titania did the same since she really didn't have any experience worth sharing just yet— except that time when she dangled outside an escape pod with Lev. She too didn't want to share such an experience.

"I had been to a certain planet once where food actually tasted bad. It is near the Main Earth and people don't usually come there." Hellspawn began. Dmitri and Lev already knew what he was talking about— the Alcatraz, where the world's worst criminals are imprisoned. "In this place, they serve you food made out of Klimon Worms and Sawdust. It was nasty, to say the least. There was no food there that tasted good."

"That's why I joined Dmitri's exploration team. From then on, I get to eat delicious meals, and discover new people, places, and cultures."

"Wahhhh~~~" Helena's eyes glistened as she intently listened to Hellspawn's story. It may be a simple story but to her, it was dreamy. As a child, she had always dreamed of going out into space and traveling with her companions while going on countless adventures. But life just had to give her no opportunities whatsoever, and she had been stuck on a remote planet all her life, selling skewers and serving food in a local inn. Life was comfortable, of course, but she knew this wasn't the life she wanted.

Of course, Dmitri saw the look in Helena's eyes and there was no way he was going to get defeated by Hellspawn's made-up story. When it comes to making up stories, he knows that he's much more talented than Hellspawn. Without further ado, he began his story. "I came from a poor family where every day was a struggle. We couldn't even eat a proper meal. We only eat a maximum of one meal every day due to how poor we were."

"One day, my dad was recruited as a mechanic, just for trial, and as it turned out, he had a knack for it. He taught me a few things, and then gave me an opportunity to live." Dmitri continued. "So when I learned his trade, and actually managed to build a company of my own, I formed an exploration team with me as the head. And we roam the universe for unique cuisines."

Helena clapped his hands at the story. Even Lev and Titania were impressed by Dmitri's story. Of course, it was greatly exaggerated, but it wasn't far from the truth. In the course of his story-telling, Dmitri never lost the sincerity in his tone, and that's how they concluded that it was true to life— which is true, in a sense.

"That's it! You've convinced me!" Helena suddenly called out, removing the apron she wore and revealing herself in a casual outfit that accentuated her figure. "I'm coming with you guys!"