
Lo'us didn't need to wear any armor since his identity was familiar throughout the known universe. Just one flash of his identification card and the guards by the front gate of the settlement nodded and let them in without question. A brief smile formed on Lo'us's lips, his power truly was absolute when it comes down to it.

"I'm looking for a Pyro-sync Class who entered here yesterday or two days ago. He came from the Infernals' base right beside this settlement."

One of the guards put a hand on his chin as he tried to recall what happened back then. That's when he remembered the guy who came two days ago, he was someone from the Infernals so they didn't ask for his identification. However, what he found weird was that there were no more Pyro-sync Class humans from the Infernals' base who came subsequent to him. His suspicion grew but he ignored his instincts and decided to tell Lo'us everything. Well, he didn't really speak a word, he just gestured to one of the buildings in the deeper parts of the settlement and nodded along. After buying a bunch of skewers, he saw the guy go there— he was confident that he was temporarily staying there.

"Thanks," Lo'us said, saluting the guard before gesturing to his men to follow him. There were about six of them, more than enough to take down Hellspawn, the Fighter Class they are.

Together, the group warily trudged inside the settlement, attentive to all the noise and the suspicious movements around them. Although this was one of the exciting times when Lo'us gets to lead his team on a mission, he knew just how dangerous it is, to tread in unknown territory like that. That's why he couldn't let his guard down for even a second, because the difference between life and death is only a split second away.

Pretty soon, the group got to the Inn where Hellspawn was supposed to be. They all gathered outside, nodding at each other and sending hand signs before Lo'us himself kicks the door in. With their Plasma Guns at the ready, they stormed the place, aiming at every customer who was just trying to enjoy their meal.

Every member of the Ashen Assembly wore specialized monocles that is connected to the Council's database. This way, they'd be able to properly pinpoint Hellspawn amongst the crowd without difficulty. However, he was nowhere to be found, and a backdoor swung shut just when they entered the place. With rage, Lo'us pointed at the conspicuous backdoor to his men, nodding a second time. Half of them headed outside, and the others followed where the backdoors lead to. Meanwhile, Helena's aunt was too shocked to see the Ashen Assembly that she couldn't speak a word. She was known in the whole settlement as a feisty owner of the Inn, but now she cowered like a mouse, unsure of what to do next. After all, no one messes with the Ashen Assembly in all the corners of the known universe.


A few minutes ago,

Hellspawn had honed his battle instincts to perfection after running solo suicide missions. He was the sole perpetrator responsible for the deaths of a lot of Infernals, and through those battles, he maxed out his stats on instincts. One wrong move and Hellspawn is sure to detect that, even if he wasn't looking.

Then again, Pyro-sync Class humans are way too attuned to fighting so developing survival and combat skills are second nature to them. That was probably one of the many reasons why Hellspawn became a renowned fighter, or rather, killer.

He wasn't the one who felt it though, even Lev felt it. A prick. A prick right by their nape which warned them of the danger that lurked outside. One glance towards each other and they knew something was wrong. "We have to get out of here," Lev said without hesitation, even though there was no guarantee if the group would believe him or not.

"Lev's right. I felt it as well. Someone's on our tail, and they're bound to burst through the front entrance any minute now." Hellspawn announced. "Judging by my sense, I don't think they're originally from this settlement so there's no way they'd think about checking the backdoor first"

"Dmitri, you go first and start the rover. Once you got that, take Helena and Titania and drive straight to the Starlight Streamer. Lev and I will follow suit." Hellspawn gave out orders before anyone could even process what he and Lev just said.

Even then, the trust that existed amongst the group didn't waver. Immediately, they got up and headed to the back door. They had only been together for a short span of time, but they already watched each other's backs as if they were comrades since birth.

"This way," Dmitri beckoned as Helena and Titania followed him to the parking area where the rover was stationary.

Lev watched as the three of them left. He had an urge to stay with Titania but Hellspawn grabbed him by the hand and stopped him short. "No, Dmitri knows what he's doing. This is the only way our plan of escape could work."

"All right, all right," Lev said, putting both his hands in front of Hellspawn, trying to help him regain his composure.


Hellspawn could've sworn that he flinched when he heard the front entrance swing open. He quickly took a peek from one of the windows. "Ashen Assembly, let's go." He muttered.

"Where are we going?"

"We run, do you think we'd be able to outrun Dmitri's rover? We need all the headstart we could get." Hellspawn explained with a biting tone. After addressing Dmitri, he stood up and broke into a sprint. Lev followed suit— he didn't have much of a choice, after all.

"THERE THEY ARE! GET HIM!" Hellspawn and Lev could hear Lo'us screaming to his men, prompting them to run even faster, weaving their way through narrow alleyways and streets to shake off their pursuers.