Gaia Star System

Planet Ghryus is the third planet of the Gaia Star System.

Located at the far side of the Genesius Galaxy, the Gaia Star System is one chock-full of goldilocks planet. Throughout the known universe, the Gaia Star System is the only Star System where all the planets are habitable. Some experts believed that when the Gaia Star System was formed, a balance was created that linked all the other planets. The nearer planets are cooler than the farther ones, and the farther ones are more than hot enough, balancing the heat and coldness of the star system. The star of the Gaia Star System had its name, Icarus, named after the famous myth of a winged man who flew too close to the sun. Icarus is a yellow dwarf star, just like the sun, and the first planet of the Gaia Star System, Rhusya, revolved at a safe distance equal to the distance of the Main Earth from the sun. this puts it in the goldilocks zone, and all the other planets that followed suit have a slightly higher temperature in their core, balancing the temperature and making them goldilocks planets as well. No wonder the Gaia Star System is filled with life. It had achieved an impossible balance that experts thought was nigh impossible to happen in the known universe.

"Planet Ghyrus, home to the Alch Tribe that consists of Elementals. They are pretty welcoming, just don't offend them. I advise that you research their behaviors and cultural differences from other races so you won't offend them without knowing it.

"Right," Lev muttered to himself. He already knew that his temperament wasn't the best when it comes to dealing with other people, especially those who were a bit offensive toward him. That's why he couldn't trust himself mingling with other races without having prior knowledge about them. He remembered a certain culture on Earth back in the past where some cultures found it respectful to make sounds while eating while a good majority of other cultures strongly abhor it.

As for Titania and Hellspawn, they were quite knowledgeable with other knowledge. Titania had gained prior information about other races because of her role as the fifth in line for the throne. In order to have amicable relationships with other classes, Titania brought it upon herself to learn all the known cultures. As for Hellspawn, he had gained knowledge from all the traveling he did for the past few years. Who would've thought that his journey to seek revenge would actually help him in this kind of situation?

Helena only basically only knows one culture and that is of the Pyro-sync Class humans who reside on the Planet Ylbrughz. She hasn't gone to worlds beyond the stars, nor did she find any leisure in trying to research them and know about them. She was only focused on cooking, and cooking, and cooking... aside from that, she hasn't done anything at all. While this gave her innate talent in cooking, it also halted her understanding of the other classes of humans.

"I- I look forward to working with you!" Helena said, bowing down towards Lev who was already beginning his research.

"I guess the same goes for you too, huh, let's work hard together."

The next few days were spent learning new things about the Alch Tribe. The Alch Tribe was actually the only tribe that was able to unite all the other basic elements. On other planets in the Gaia Star System, almost all Elemental Class humans prefer to stay with the people who have the same element as theirs. There weren't any wars, but peace was always at risk. The Elemental Class of humans tend to separate and isolate themselves from those who weren't of the same element. Of course, it was inevitable that this gesture would offend a few tribes.

The Alch Tribe was able to achieve the opposite thought. No one knows what happened but according to rumors, there was one Elemental Class human who managed to master all the four elements and with his sheer power, he stopped all the wars and managed to unite the entire planet. His existence is questionable though since it's kind of hard to believe that someone had four different classes. Until now, it is still widely believed that a person can only have one class. How could someone have the four basic elements?

Somehow, the story about the Alch Tribe's presumed history reminded Pietrus Lev of a certain series regarding a certain air bender. When he aligned the history with the story of that certain series, Lev was able to piece everything together, becoming an expert in Alch Tribe's history in less than two days.


Two days later, they finally managed to arrive at the Planet Ghyrus. Starlight Streamer touched down on a large clearing made by Elemental Class humans to welcome the new arrivals. Quite a few spots all over the planet have huge clearings so no one has to worry about disrupting the wildlife all around.

"How do you know he'll be here, Dmitri? And how were you able to track him?" Hellspawn asked for the second time since he just couldn't explain how he managed to do it.

"Are you... oh wait, he didn't tell you so you probably didn't know." Dmitri heaved a sigh. "I mean, he didn't tell me anything but I happened to notice it back then."

"What do you mean?"

Dmitri then narrated the story of their final day together as expeditioner trainees. They were hanging around by a campfire built by none other than Hellspawn. It was another successful mission, another day over. And underneath the starry skies, the four celebrated their final day together. They knew it was their final day together. The Council was already hot on their trail.

It was time for them to part ways. As all of them headed in their separate direction, Dmitri turned around, only to see that Lavulis Krimshur emitted a bright fiery light from his hands.

'He's a Water Elemental Class, right?' Dmitri asked himself, perplexed.