
Lev's slightly raised tone made everyone glance toward where he was pointing and observe it a little bit more keenly. They weren't sure if Lev was playing a prank on them or if there was really something on the pinkish walls of flesh that surrounded them from all their sides. Being swallowed by the Pinkglade Ammousor— or so that's what Titania told them— is already a concern for them. If what Lev implied was true, then that means that traveling through the guts of the Pink Ammousor is the least of their concerns.

"There! Right there!" Lev pointed out who knows how many times already as his shaky fingers pointed outside the windows of the Starlight Streamer. To anyone, it would've seemed like Lev was panicking or something of the sort, but quite frankly, he was excited— he was seeing a new creature up close and that tickled his inner curiosity for the unknown.