Risks Taken

Over potatoes and coffee, Deborah and Haxor listened in on Dmitri's case as he tried to explain their arrival and how they got there. At first, Deborah found it hard to believe that they were living in the unknown universe and that the known universe didn't have any clouds around it. The only thing she wasn't surprised about in the story was the existence of the Pinkglade Ammousor. They did have records of it in textbooks after all, and this just establishes the fact that this is a different world, and that Dmitri and the others came from another vastly different world as well.

"I see, so that's how it was," Haxor mumbled, rubbing his hand on his neck. A part of him believed that Dmitri spoke the truth. They did, after all, came from space and their outfit more than solidified that claim. Not only that, he also had the same thought as Deborah— that they shouldn't be offended since they don't know what they're capable of.