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"Wait... this allowed you to travel through the unknown universe?!"

"And he made it himself, then he gave an outdated version to the Council. While that bought us some time, it is safe to conclude that they've already developed the instrument and can now fully navigate the unknown universe." Hellspawn went on as soon as Dmitri's words of surprise came out of his mouth.

"That's right. And that's why you can't stay here. Three days tops, and then the Council will know where we are." Luxor continued.

Silence once again filled the room where they were in. Even though this came as a surprise, Dmitri and the others somehow expected it. After all, this wasn't the first time they heard about such an instrument. There were actually already rumors of it in the past, but since no one has proven its existence, Dmitri brushed it off as mere gossip.

Until a few days ago, however.