The Search

The city was as lively as ever, with all the bargains and the haggling going on at the city center where the marketplace was located. The hustle and bustle was something that Lev was used to, but he didn't expect it to be that intense, especially when it was almost evening according to Main Earth time.

"So this is Laevre City, huh," Lev said to himself. "Titania, stay close, it's getting rather crowded here."

Searching proved to be difficult since more and more people are going at the marketplace. Lev wore a concerned expression on his face as his eyes darted from one direction to the other in hopes that he'd get at least a glimpse of Hellspawn or Helena.

However, there was no sign of them whatsoever. Even though their comms device signaled that they were somewhere near the marketplace, Lev couldn't locate them.

"Maybe they entered one of the houses? Let's go check the nearby alleys." Lev suggested, to which Titania nodded in response.