
The resounding explosion was followed by a slight tremor, a weak earthquake that grew in intensity as seconds passed. The forest became a house to a cacophony of sounds as trees rustles and birds flew in circles at the top of it. Weak groans and the pitter-patter of feet could be heard in the forest as well, followed by a couple of roars and shrieks that came from the unknown wild creatures that resided there.

Dmitri and the others' initial thoughts were that earthquakes are normal in this world and that Flips were more common than they had expected. They were wrong though since Flips happen at years interval, some even happening after more than a decade, and some would even happen for the first time after some time. Heck, even the land where they are right now is at risk of Flipping... but it's unlikely since there weren't any signs of it...

... until now, that is.