
"How about you? Why do you like Lev?" Titania asked out of the blue.

The question was all too sudden that Helena didn't know how to respond. Surprised, she turned around, hoping to catch Titania's expression off-guard so she would at least know what Titania was feeling right now when she asked the said question. However, Titania was facing the opposite side, and only her back faced Helena who had been trying to catch a glimpse of her expression.

"W-w-why do you ask?" Helena returned, trying to bid some time while cooking up the best answer to the question.

In hindsight, she only ever saw Lev as a reliable person, perhaps the most reliable one in the crew. Does she like him romantically? That was a question she never thought about until now. There is a little bit of attraction, but not enough to be considered love or anything near that broad of a topic.

"So you like him?"