

Beep. Beep.

... ...

'Where am I? What is this place? Why do I feel groggy?' Lev asked himself as the images of Dmitri and the others became hazy, so much so that they began swirling in front of him. He knew that such a thing was impossible so he concluded that there was something wrong with his sight.

From a distance, he could hear a steady sound of beeping. It was faint, and yet it was so constant and familiar. Somehow, Lev couldn't shake off the feeling that the beeping was a big part of him— it was calling out to him.

'What is going on?'


Beep. Beep.

... ...

The beeping continued, and Lev's consciousness started fading away. Dmitri's shape as well as everyone else's was blurry now, almost pitch black, and slowly, Lev seemed to be slipping off into another place.

[Just relax, Lev, don't fight it off. Let it go. Go with the flow. It's not your time... not yet.]