Escape to the Unknown

"EVERYBODY HANG TIGHT!" Captain Zed screamed at the top of his lungs, jerking the yoke and pulling it upwards as he tried to regain the space cruiser's equilibrium.


Captain Zed was quick to act and with his adrenaline helping him deal with the situation, he managed to balance the Space Cruiser Upsilon Chi. As soon as it was coursing through a straight line, Captain Zed pulled at the yoke with as much strength as he could muster, forcing the Space Cruiser Upsilon Chi to assume a ninety-degree angle as it shot upwards towards the Main Earth's atmosphere.


"Where are we going, captain?" Assistant Captain Benedict worriedly asked as beads of sweat condensed on his forehead. He wasn't the only one who was worried though, everyone was... but they just couldn't bring themselves to speak so they just sat in their stations like quiet mice.