Qwriohl Mother Ship

Lev grabbed the edge of the podium, glad that the school day was finally over. "Class dismissed." He announced, letting the children run wild as they got out of the clas...

... well, all except one.

Claude  stared at Lev and Lev stared back at him, already aware of what he was going to ask next.

"No, for the last time, Claude, I'm not going to fight you." Lev outrightly rejected before he could even speak. For some odd reason, Claude had been asking for a spar every single time after school. Sometimes, he would oblige, but it's not every day that Lev was in the mood for a fight.

Come on, teach, I'm this close to figuring what it is," Claude reasoned out, bolting upright from his chair before rushing at Lev with a clean punch.