Intercepted Signal

The Shadow Blade Gauntlet is a pair of gauntlets with, well, shadow blades. These shadow blades can extend indefinitely, making the gauntlet a mid-range weapon for close quarters or long-range combat. Depending on the user, the Shadow Blade Gauntlet can cover most roles while engaging in combat. That's why this was Lev's favorite weapon. It totally suits his Carnage Class.


The sound of the Qwriohl Mother Ship touching down made Lev and the others pause for a couple of seconds, realizing that the fated time of war has come to Earth Alpha. There was no time to lose... either they wage war and bring the fight to the Qwriohls or barricade the entire city.

Then again, it would be boring if the city was just barricaded from the Qwriohls, right?