General Flangour

"A human? Why?" Lev asked himself after realizing one of the biggest secrets that the Qwriohls have. "So the Qwriohls... they are humans? I thought they were aliens."

The cold hard truth about the Qwriohls hit Lev like a truck. However, such wasn't the right time to contemplate things since they were in the middle of the war. Instead of telling everyone what he found out, he decided to continue with the onslaught. After all, it was kill or be killed in this war, and letting your guard down is the same as screaming at the enemy to kill you right then and there.

'Besides, the Qwriohls were probably humans in the first place, and I was the only one who assumed that they were aliens... or maybe no one talks about it.' Lev muttered to himself.