New Council

"Now die, Hellspawn." Flangour continued as he wore a sinister smile on his face. 

In that instant, the enemy behind Hellspawn was thrown to the side as another entity tackled him, making him miss the plasma beam he was supposed to fire. With a grunt, the enemy rolled a couple of times on the ground before he ultimately stopped, completely missing his timing and Hellspawn's opening.

Seizing his chance, Hellspawn swung his Spearhandle at Flangour's throat, making sure that Flangour wouldn't be able to dodge it. In that brief moment, Hellspawn looked back and saw Lev. Apparently, he was the one who threw the foe as he attacked from his blind side.

That brief moment brought about a certain memory in Hellspawn's mind. And as his Spearhandle connected right by the gap between General Flangour's helmet and armor, that memory became more vivid, flashing right before him like a snapshot from a camera.