Departure, Reunion

Two weeks after the Qwriohl Invasion

Earth Alpha, specifically Cyril City, had pretty much returned back to normal. There was the usual hustle and bustle in the middle of the city wherein stalls are set up, and adding to that, there was the usual noise from the repairs that went on throughout the city. Since the Qwriohls didn't reach the city itself, they didn't have a lot of things to repair. The damages mostly resulted from the panic that ensued while the war was happening. But other than that, there was no major destruction in the city.

The sunlight peering through the windows of his room was what woke Lev up. Impulsively, he stretched his whole body before he got out of bed. Right now, the entire crew of the Starlight Streamer space cruiser was still staying in the apartment. They've really gotten used to life in the city. It's as if their space voyage from Main Earth to here was nothing more than a passing dream.