Divided From Within

Pew. Pew. Pew. Pew. Pew.

The universe is said to be devoid of a medium, as such, no sound should be heard in space. But in the unknown universe, the unknown gaseous puffs of cloud that enveloped it acted as one, making it possible for sound and signal to travel albeit in an erratic manner. Sounds may be heard in the unknown universe, but the output was way more different compared to how one expected it. Hence, the sound of plasma beams and projectiles firing off at each other made a small 'pew pew' sound— which sounded hilarious, and it gave the insane space fight a run for its money.

Three plasma beams shot at the Starlight Streamer Space Pod. Without missing a beat, Dmitri turned the space pod around and twisted it as he clutched onto the yoke, completely dodging the plasma beams as they whizzed past. Because of that, those spacecrafts on the other side were hit by the plasma beams, and they exploded in an instant.