Half An Hour

"I'm in." Lev decided in a resolute manner.

There was no guarantee that the plan would work, and with the time constraint that they have to put upon themselves, they had no other choice but to opt for the riskier plan. Instead of going to the backdoors and accessing the hive Mind, Lev had to plow his way through the Hive Mind and proceed with the plan.

"Remember, you only have two minutes before the connection gets unstable. Your transferred consciousness wouldn't be able to handle it if you go past two minutes. All right?" Dmitri worriedly confirmed. He then extended his hand before Lev headed back up and out of the manhole wherein they entered at least two hours ago.

"Take care out there. I'm going to connect to your mind and guide you through everything." Dmitri told Lev, to which Lev responded with a nod before heading up.