Look After Him For Me

Meanwhile, in the Original Timeline.

It had been a few months since Catherine had become part of Trek Industries. She was an experienced programmer, and her resume even specified that she was a graduate of a prestigious school. But then again, she wasn't used to working under a company, which made it harder for her to adjust to the workplace.

"Today, you're going to be working under Pietrus Lev."

Back then, Catherine had no idea who Pietrus Lev was, she didn't even have the slightest idea about him... even though most games from the company revolved around him as the programmer and the bug checker. That's why when she was assigned under her, she didn't expect anything at all. In fact, she expected to be bullied and be forced to work overtime. She'd had countless experiences of her seniors at work giving her all the job, even running her dry by making her go through errands.