Side Story— Starlight Streamer

From nothingness to infinity, from infinity to nothingness. 

Lev watched everything vanishing from his sight. Everything. Even his body which floated motionlessly in space vanished. He didn't feel the need to close his eyes since he wanted the view to be ingrained in his mind. The empty universe was there in all its majesty and glory, looking down on Lev as if he was an infinitesimal existence— and he was, compared to the sheer size of the entire universe. 

At that moment, Lev felt so at peace as if his life was slowly approaching the throes of death. His lips curved upward, and his entire body disappeared from view.


The chirping of the birds woke Lev up from his slumber. The beams of sunlight that shone through the windows gave Lev a soft nudge to end his peaceful sleep. The smile he wore was still plastered on his face when he woke up. Impulsively, he squinted, due to the sunbeams that invaded his room.