Side Story— The Manuscript (End)

"And what are we doing here?"

Pietrus Lev and his three friends just so happened to land on the planet where the Caix Tribe lived. The reason why they sneaked out of Main Earth and traveled here was due to Dmitri's insistence. He had definitive proof that the people of the Caix Tribe weren't savages, and that's why he just had to fly over here to see it for himself.

Hellspawn, Krimshur, and Lev, who knew that their friend was up to no good, had no choice but to tag along. They knew that Dmitri might stir a commotion if left to his own devices. They were more like babysitters than companions, really.

"I swear, they really aren't savages. I've been reading a lot of books... the only reason why they stayed underground was that the atmosphere of the planet is unstable. That's all there is to it. They aren't out for blood just like what the rumors stated."