Chapter 8 A Mansion Was Worth Millions of Dollars

"Lee, you bastard!"

Jessica slapped on Lee's car window aggressively.

It had to be admitted that Jessica was tall and slim. Because of long-term training, she didn't have any fat all over her body. Even in the whole western region, she was the most beautiful woman rarely.

"Jessica, why are you so angry? Who irritated you?"

"It's all your fault!"

"It's not my fault. I'm a legal businessman. I'm asking for money. The young Benjamin wants my life. Do you think I have to surrender?"

"Humph! Something happened, and you should stay at home. Why do you still go out?"

It could be seen that Jessica still cared about Lee, but it was a rare opportunity. Even if Benjamin wanted to attack Lee, he would not choose to do it in broad daylight.

After comforting the detective in Las Vegas, Lee drove towards the auction target with his bodyguards and plain-clothes men.

In the car, Xiao Mei took out a stack of materials she had collected in advance and said.

"The Summer Sunshine is located in the southwest of Las Vegas. It only takes 10 minutes to arrive at Las Vegas Avenue. The community is developed by the Lener Company."

Lener Company was one of the four local developers. The community they developed was very beautiful, and the internal decoration was known for its quality. It was very popular in foreclosed houses.

"The mansion we are going to bid on this time is a two-story villa with a construction area of about 300 square meters. Its market value is 1,200 thousand dollars."

"The original owner of the house is a lawyer. After his death, his heritage was inherited by his son. After his son took over the heritage, he quickly fell into the city of sin, indulging himself in alcohol every day and hanging out to gamble. He owed a large amount of money, and the bank decided to take back his mansion."

It could be seen that Xiao Mei was very cautious about this auction and had done a lot of preparation.

If the owner of the house was a gambler, all the valuable things in the house would be sold out, but this house was still very tempting to Lee.

He not only ran the blind box of real estate but also could sell houses at a good price as long as it was slightly renovated.

Even if the foreigners knew it, they couldn't copy the commercial plan.

The community was surrounded by outer walls and railings, and the iron door was locked. Without the password, no irrelevant one could enter.

Several security guards at the door saw the invitation letter from Xiao Mei and only two people were allowed to enter.

Leng Feng and the plain-clothes men could only wait outside.

Seeing Lee driving into the rich area, Jessica couldn't help asking Leng Feng, "Leng, isn't your boss lack of money recently? Why does his business seem to be getting bigger and bigger?"

"He could do the business in the rich area."

"Ha-ha, there is an old saying that good people have their fate. Lee made a fortune in the stock market a few days ago. Not only did he solve the financial problem, but also his career has reached a new level."

Leng Feng teased, "Jessica, I think you are a good girl and you are not young anymore. Although Lee is a playboy, he was excellent in other aspects..."

With a cold face, Jessica automatically blocked Leng Feng's nagging. He was good at fighting, but he was a little chatterbox. Now that she knew that Lee was fine, she was relieved.

In the capital of sin, she had seen too many people who went bankrupt stepping on the road of death. She didn't want to see Lee's body on the street one day.

The entry deposit of luxury residential foreclosures was 600 thousand dollars. Without a certain capital, people couldn't buy the blind box of real estate at such a high price.

This also prevented many professional speculators. Most of the people who came to participate in the auction were powerful second-hand real estate companies.

The representatives of these big companies all wore high-end suits, and their clothes alone were expensive.

They all looked at Lee and Xiao Mei in surprise.

Because the two of them were too young to fit in the crowd.

An old man with grey hair, holding a crutch, stretched out his right hand and politely greeted.

"I've heard that a boy who likes to mess up the situation came to the second-hand house market in Las Vegas. I didn't expect to see you so soon."

"I am Thomas, the representative of Abbystone Company."

Although the old man was smiling, Lee could still see a trace of disdain in his eyes. He was keenly aware that the old man looked down upon him.

On the surface, they were harmonious and approachable, but in their hearts, they looked down upon the hard-working fighters.

Lee had a lot of contact with this kind of person. What he could do was to respond to them with a smile and then give them a sharp blow.

They didn't intend to be accepted by everyone present. They were here to compete for the auction, not to make friends.

Lee gave Xiao Mei a look, and the two of them began to look at the high-end villa up and down.

There was a spacious swimming pool outside the villa. The clean water system of the swimming pool could work normally, which added a lot of value to the villa.

There were two yards in the villa, and the front one was so spacious that people could kick a ball, organize parties and do whatever they wanted there.

There were also some fruit trees in the backyard and several empty open-air parking spaces.

Lee was amazed to see these. The rich were good at enjoying and the place was like a royal palace.

He walked around the periphery of the villa and didn't find anything, just when he thought there would be no hint.

At one of the outer walls, he saw a hint!