Chapter 10 My God! It Was the Authentic Artwork of Leonardo Da Vinci!

Seeing Lee's happy face after he got the key, Thomas came up with an idea suddenly.

Lee had made him lose face just now, and now he could get it back.

He suggested to the representatives who were walking away slowly, "Why don't you let us have a look? The two million dollars sky-high mansion that Lee bid for!"

He stressed his tone at the price of two million dollars. Everyone immediately understood what he meant and agreed with the idea, following Lee.

Lee sneered. He had planned to make a fortune quietly, but these people insisted on laughing at him with bad intention. He wouldn't miss the chance of fighting back hard.

"Then come with me!"

He opened the door and made way for the others.

As expected, there was no furniture in the hall. It seemed that they had been robbed. Everything that could be moved had been emptied, and their voices echoed.

The only thing that made people satisfied was that the ground was covered with high-grade planks, and the slightly shiny texture was very good.

The walls and ceilings were well maintained, saving a lot of money for redecoration.

According to the overall assessment, the investment of 2 million dollars would lose 400 thousand dollars.

Unless this guy could turn stone into gold. Thinking of this, Thomas showed a snickering smile.

"Lee, it's a big loss for you to buy such a luxurious house. You should pay 200 thousand dollars for just buying furniture."

He deliberately said to Lee in a sarcastic tone, who was lost in thought.

Lee turned a deaf ear to his sarcasm and stared at a painting hanging highly on the wall.

The painting was hung above a second-story-high wall, painted in the style of the Renaissance era, with brash oil painting, which was exquisite like the modern craft import.

Perhaps it was because there was no ladder, the oil painting, which looked like a modern ornament, was left out.

Because all the things had been moved out, this painting was particularly abrupt and eye-catching.

Many of the people present were part-time collectors, and they were more or less able to distinguish art.

The knight in the painting had a scar on his determined face, and his eyes were full of courage to die. He raised the machete and launched a charge.

More and more people were attracted by the painting and looked up at the Charging Knight.

Seeing that no one paid attention to him, Thomas also found that there was something wrong with the painting. He whispered,

"It's so strange. It looks like the style of Leonardo da Vinci in the early years. Am I blind?"

The sound of chatter and discussion began in the living room.

"Leonardo da Vinci is good at painting beautiful women with breasts exposed. How could he paint a knight?"

"Yes, it's just that someone is imitating the style of a master. Why haven't I seen this painting in the museum?"

"Are you stupid? This must be done by Master Leonardo da Vinci. I promise with my personality!"

Thomas, who had lived for more than 60 years, showed a look of seeing a ghost. Although he wanted to say that it was a fake, as a loyal fan of Leonardo da Vinci and an identification expert, he knew

This was an authentic painting!

He couldn't help swallowing. If it was an authentic painting, wouldn't it be worth tens of millions of dollars!

Thomas really wanted to tell himself that it was a lie. How could the guy be so lucky? It was the first time he bought the blind box of luxury houses. Could he choose a terrific one exactly?

Yes, it must be fake. How could he be so lucky?

But his eyes were full of regret, jealousy, and other complicated emotions.

All the people present quarreled. Xiao Mei looked at her boss with hesitation. She always suspected that her boss knew something.

Finally, someone suggested that the expert come to have a look. As a result, they invited Zeiss.

Zeiss took the painting down with a big belly.

He carefully examined the details of the oil painting with a magnifying glass.

From surprise to frown, he remained silent for a long time.

Seeing the expression on Zeiss's face, Thomas chuckled to himself. Maybe the painting was fake?

Someone couldn't help but ask, "Zeiss, is it the painting of the master?"

"Yes, it's true. But because of the poor storage, the painting has been oxidized so much, and its collection value may be reduced."

Lee breathed a sigh of relief. That was to say, he could sell it, but it might not be sold at an exorbitant price.

The expert's words also gave Thomas a heavy blow.

"Then how much can it be worth?"

This question was what everyone thought. Zeiss liked to keep others guessing and acted like a profiteer all day long.

"About only ten million dollars." Zeiss pretended to say modestly.

His words made everyone present gasp. Only about ten million dollars?

Although they had expected it, the price of the painting still made everyone frightened, and their eyes were full of jealousy.

"It's all luck! It's all luck!"

Lee didn't want to explain anything more. He attributed everything to luck.

Thomas was very regretful. If he continued to compete with Lee, the painting would be his!

There was no regret medicine in the world.

No matter people were jealous of the lucky boy, the people present didn't dare to have any improper desire.

Las Vegas was only a small place, and the previous case of robbery was still vivid in their mind. This guy was not a pushover.

If they wanted to snatch food from the tiger, they had to weigh how much power they had.