Chapter 20 Tear Down Blind Box

Soon, a few groups of people came backstage of the auction house, and the rest of the people scattered.

There was no one in the big yard. As the light went out, it looked very strange.

Although there were not many items to be auctioned, backstage was crowded with people.

Leng Feng was surprised, "I felt weird at first that why people leave so actively? It turns out that they are all in a hurry to go backstage to watch a play!"

Then he successfully entered backstage with Lee and the others.

And Kris, who had left earlier, was not here.

Two million. Even if it was a high copy, it wouldn't be impossible for him to throw away it?

Talk of the devil and he comes.

With an angry face, Kris pushed open the crowd that blocked the door and went straight backstage.

It seemed that Kris was pissed off by Lee. Xiao Mei almost burst into laughter when she saw Kris's expression. In Jessica's eyes, Kris deserved it.

The auction was just a chance. Unfortunately, Kris lost, completely.

After taking away the court porcelain in a hurry, Kris left the scene, looking even more embarrassed.

After he left, they finally stopped holding back and burst into laughter.

Perhaps this inexplicable laughter looked strange, but they seemed to be enjoying it.

After a while, Lee finally got the coin blind box.

He held it in his hand heavily and looked it over and over. The sound of coins colliding with each other in the cloth bag came out. It seemed that there were not only coins in it but also beer caps in it?

"Sir, I think I need a table."

Lee looked at the person in charge of the auction and asked.

Such a request was naturally satisfied.

A table was quickly pulled over, and everyone held their breath. This was the only blind box. As for what could be offered, it all depended on one's luck!

But Lee knew that there were many useless coins in it. But he only needed those Venice coins!


The coins poured out of the bag and gathered together.

Sure enough, there were not only coins in it but also beer caps. The onlookers were gloating.

But soon the tables were turned.

After searching around, Lee picked up a gold coin shining with golden light from the countless gold coins!

"Oh my God! Is it gold coins? Gold coins! Why are there gold coins in the coin bag?"

"Maybe it's painted?"

"It doesn't matter. If it's just a gold coin, this bag of coins won't be worth 10,000 dollars! Mr. Lee, you've made a mistake!"

'Make a mistake?'

Lee snorted, then one, two...

More and more gold coins were dug out!

All of a sudden, everyone shut up and looked at Lee with their eyes wide open!

"How could it be possible?"

"Did he create a miracle again?"

"Is it a secret box operation?"

In disbelief, the person in charge of the auction was even more regretful.

He just opened the bag casually and found that there were some souvenirs in it. At least it was worth some money, so he sent the gambler away at the price of 2,000 dollars.

He could only blame himself for the negligence. Who would have thought that there would be gold coins in the gamblers' hands?

Who would have thought that the gambler would compromise at the price of 2,000 dollars?

But now that things had come to this, there was no medicine for regret in the world.

Buster walked out of the crowd leisurely and stood behind Lee, carefully observing the gold coins.

A Barton's gun was placed on his waist. Although it was worn, it was still eye-catching.

"Oh my God! This is Venice gold coins! There are 10 gold coins in total, and each one is worth 2,000 dollars!"

The crowd exclaimed!

Twenty thousand dollars!

This coin was bought by Lee for 10 thousand dollars. After four to five rounds, he earned 10 thousand dollars!

Not to mention that there were some scattered souvenirs in it!

In a conservative estimate, it was worth 21 thousand dollars in total!

"If you want, I'm willing to buy all the coins except the beer caps of this bag at the price of 20 thousand dollars!"

After a pause, Buster continued, "For the sake of my buying the gun, give me 1,000 dollars. Just make a friend!"

Then Buster reached out his hand.

Lee was in a dilemma. If he refused in front of so many people, it would let Buster lose his face, and his reputation would be ruined.

If he said so, he would lose another 1,000 dollars?

As the saying goes, the richer one was, the more careful he was.

But Lee was willing to spend 1,000 dollars earning a friendship.

Therefore, the two hands of different colors clasped together!

All of a sudden, the crowd cheered, but most of them were shocked that Lee could make a fortune in the next auction!

After the money transaction, the crowd dispersed, leaving only Lee, Buster, and Billy.

"Mr. Lee, the money you bought is included. According to the rules, the auction house will charge a 5% commission. The rest is here."

When he was about to leave, the auction director came over with a bank card.

No wonder Lee always felt like something was missing. It turned out that he had forgotten this. He couldn't help but sigh his carelessness.

Even if the commission was deducted, it at least was about 10 million dollars!

At the thought of this, Lee was even more scared.

The person in charge, on the other hand, was overjoyed. He had earned about one million dollars from this deal!

Most of the credit goes to "Knight", which is also the reason why he will open a separate bank card for Lee to show respect.

Lee took the card and said some polite words. Then he led a group of people out of the door.

The wharf at night looked particularly beautiful. Neon lights were shining around, and beautiful boats were floating in the river.

This was far from the unpeaceful night in Las Vegas.

In the bustling city, people came and went, but they were strangers.

"What are you going to do next?"

Jessica asked, as the cold wind blew on their faces and gradually calmed them down.

'What are you going to do? Of course, he was going back to Las Vegas. Would he continue to wander around in this strange city?'

The two words "go back" were about to say, but were interrupted by an unexpected guest.

"Mr. Lee, I finally found you!"

His voice was so loud that the people who had been used to silence trembled.

They looked back and found it was Billy!

He was the boss of the largest local chamber of commerce!

Beside him, there were several men in black and sunglasses. The serious expression on their faces made Lee feel as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Out of his professional habit, Leng Feng stood in front of Lee and took out his ax.

It was so cold in the moonlight!

"I'm sorry for bothering you. I think you must have misunderstood my purpose. Mr. Lee, these are just my bodyguards. You know, I'm afraid of danger when I go out."

After whispering for a while, the two men in black retreated.

Lee couldn't help wondering why Billy came to him?

"Actually, I want to invite you to participate in a shooting program?"


"Treasure Hunting Master."