Chapter 23 Buying a Car at the Auto Show

When he woke up the next day, Lee had just made a big fortune. This time, the money was not limited anymore, but even increased a lot.

Lee didn't care about it at all. As long as he had the support of the system, he could make a lot of money in the future.

The richest man in the world? Perhaps it was easy to get but would take some time.

Lee snorted at the thought.

The house in Chinatown was not big, and could even be regarded as a civilian's residence. For Lee, the size of the house was not a problem. As the saying goes, although the spadger is small, fully-equipped.

He took out his phone and saw many missed calls.

It seemed that the man was Billy who was in a rage.

Lee couldn't help but feel bitter. It was eight-forty. He thought that Billy was still busy with his work, but Lee still called back.

Unexpectedly, the phone was answered almost the next second.

Before Lee could say anything, he was interrupted by a burst of abuse.

It seemed that Billy got down to business after he had had a good scalding.

"There is no news about the redecoration recently. If the reputation of the Treasure Hunting Master is ruined on this program, Mr. Lee, you may need to pay a certain compensation!"

Lee was stunned by the man's words. He couldn't remember the number of people who had shouted at him.

However, he had no choice because Billy had recorded all the conversations at the dock at night. This was his chip.

Lee couldn't help but pull a long face. He had made a mistake.

But it didn't matter. He believed in the system

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Mei woke up from her dream after washing up.

"It was a wonderful auction yesterday, wasn't it?"

Lee was stunned for a while.

At half-past nine, the two of them appeared in the garage.

Because his car was destroyed, it was inconvenient for him to go out. Moreover, he had enough money recently, so it was not too much to buy a car for him.

In Lee's words.

"If you are willing to stand by the garbage can and wait for the taxi you are looking for in the passing cars under the shining sunlight? Wait, are you doing all this just for a taxi?"

Obviously, as a little famous person, it was ridiculous for him to take a taxi when he went out.

Xiao Mei had no reason to refute, not to mention that Lee was her boss!

The auto mall in Las Vegas was sparsely populated.

Most people would choose to buy a car from a relatively safe city because their safety was guaranteed, and they didn't need to worry about the car that they had just bought being scratched by the gangsters.

Of course, people like Lee were not included.

No matter how bold he was, who dared to provoke this man?

He stepped on the white tiles which had just mopped, and the colorful lights above his head were even more dazzling.

In the hall, there were no more than a few display cars.

"There are still three minutes before the exhibition begins."

Lee looked at his watch and said.

A car show? Yes, Lee also got the news from the inner industry that there would be a car show today. But obviously, there were few people here, which looked weird.

If they hadn't been taken to a warehouse, Lee and Xiao Mei would still be at a loss.

"Oh my God! Is this a dark deal?"

Xiao Mei said to herself after entering the warehouse.

But Lee didn't think so. Darkness? There were too many words to describe the word in Las Vegas.

As the capital of sin, the crime rate here was simply ridiculously high!

Although the decoration of the warehouse was rough, it was full of people.

The show had begun. On the stage, there was a Rambo Cassie and hot beauty.

And the host said, "As long as you buy this car, you will own the car model tonight!"

His words were full of charm, and the audience's eyes were even straight when they saw the figure of the car model.

But unfortunately, this car was far beyond what they could bear, and they could only look at it at most.

Lee and Xiao Mei sat quietly after they found their seats.

Xiao Mei was surprised.

After all, it was the first time that Lee had brought Xiao Mei to such a scene.

Lee was also helpless. But Xiao Mei is his assistance. She had to know something!

The reason why it was held in a warehouse was that it didn't want to attract attention. After all, there were many cases in Las Vegas that luxury cars were sold and reassembled after leaving the shop.

On the other hand, no one would know that there was another rich man who bought a car in Las Vegas after the car drove out!

The hooligans who were often hungry on the street were not afraid of death, and their target was these rich people!

As for the beautiful girls shuttling back and forth on the stage, they were probably doing prostitution.

Lee had witnessed too many such scenes!

They lost themselves in money depending on their attractive appearance. A car model? She was probably just a plaything of the rich here!

When the show was about to come to an end, Lee finally picked a car!

It was a Rolls-Royce phantom! It was a luxury car!

It would be a great honor for someone like Li to drive such a car!

As the king of Rolls-Royce, the word "King" was not about the performance, but the price.

The price of three million was indeed frightening, but Lee bought it at will!

Performance didn't matter to Lee. Although its performance was extraordinary, its appearance was more important.

The black car undoubtedly exuded a domineering aura, and the extended version of the business car was gorgeous!

"Congratulations, sir. It's yours now. Please hand it over here face to face. Please come on the stage..."

The host said on the stage.

Looking at the model who was bending over her chest and wriggling back and forth in the car, she was also excited at Lee as if she was swearing that she would belong to Lee tonight.

But Lee had a lot of beautiful women, but it didn't make sense that he did not spend the night with this beauty.

It was a fool not to take advantage.

The audience burst into an uproar after paying the full payment.

Lee drove the car out of the warehouse, and the hot model got into the passenger seat, which made the audience envious.

Because the stage was not stair-like, the car could steadily step down.

In the face of the unique domineering of Rolls-Royce, everyone unconsciously made way for it.

They couldn't afford to offend someone who could offer about three million casually!

After walking out of the dark warehouse, Xiao Mei, who was sitting in the back seat of the car, breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh, I thought something bad would happen."

Xiao Mei's words made Lee's heartache. Since someone could hold a car show here, he must have some power. Who would be so reckless as to smash his car?

"Well... Xiao Mei, I'll send it to your company later. I will..."

Lee hesitated for a while and finally looked at the car model beside her.

Xiao Mei understood what he meant with just a glance and nodded repeatedly.

However, Lee's face turned red at this moment. He couldn't help but regret why he wasn't alone.