Chapter 28 One Million Commission

After getting what he wanted, Lee left with Xiao Mei.

Xiao Mei didn't know what was going on. She had thought that Lee bought this house at a high price. After all, with Lee's current reputation, it was okay to raise the price!

But to her surprise, after Lee got in the car, he drove directly to Zeiss's shop.

Seeing this, Xiao Mei suddenly realized that there was a sugar daddy behind it. It was not as simple as Lee said!

But Xiao Mei clearly knew that Zeiss couldn't make 20 million just by his illegal business!

Zeiss looked at Lee with admiration after he got the key and then asked the price of the house.

When he heard the sky-high price of 20 million, even the man who was used to the world could not help but open his eyes wide.

"Twenty million! God! If I could make such a lot of money, I would enjoy my old age! I don't need to work here."

Lee's face was bitter.

"But if you want to raise the price so hastily, you are too frivolous. You have to give me a suitable reason!"

Obviously, Zeiss didn't believe Lee's offer.

But that was the truth. What could Lee say?

"Dude, I'm very disappointed. Am I not honest at all in your eyes?"

"That's not true. But the mastermind is behind it. I have to have a suitable reason, right?"


Lee thought for a while and then said, "There is a person who has been competing with me for 10 million at the auction. He could have won it but was raised to 20 million. It's not my fault."

Lee couldn't help teasing Thomas when he thought of his fleeing with a dirty face.

Zeiss's face changed when he heard this. Then he took the key from Lee's hand.

"Okay, I will explain the whole story in detail, but you have to think it over. He is a terrible man. Hmm? If he gets angry, I don't know if you can bear it."

Zeiss's words intrigued Lee.

There were many rich and powerful men in Las Vegas, and Lee naturally had his methods to make a living there. But judging from Zeiss's tone, was the other party more powerful than him?

For a moment, Lee was eager to win.

"No, I don't know. He is very mysterious. The only information I get is that he is very rich."

There were not many people who could make money in Las Vegas. Most of them had their power.

"Hey, buddy, you don't know the division of power in the underworld. Well. Wait a moment, I'll say tell the mastermind."

Zeiss's attitude surprised Lee. He couldn't help but guess who he was.

Zeiss walked into the room behind him and heard a sound of conversation. Obviously, Zeiss had contacted the mastermind.

After a while, Zeiss came to Lee excitedly.

"Is he not angry, or even indifferent."

Twenty million dollars would be transferred to Lee's account, including the promised reward.

Zeiss frowned and raised a finger.

100 thousand? It's not bad.

"One million!"


Lee almost fainted at his words. One million! He just bought a mansion for others and even raised the price! One million commission!

Lee was afraid of such a rich man.

His intuition told him that the so-called mastermind behind Zeiss must be something!

"Put the key here. Someone will get it later."

After saying that, Zeiss put the key on the table into the dark box under the cabinet.

He had been in business among many powerful men all year round, and it was also his scheming to have such a design under the cabinet.

Only he knew how to open this mechanism.

But when Lee heard the sound, he was no longer surprised.

He looked at the treasure chest beside him.

Zeiss seemed to have read Lee's mind and said, "Of course, I've been busy with the research of my mastermind recently, so I put the investigation of the treasure box aside. I'm sorry."

"Is there any clue about your father?"

Zeiss nodded.

It was also funny that the gold coins could be easily found out, but there was no clue about the box that stored the gold coins.

Well, why did he hesitate so much?

"Dude, I have some old antiques here. Are you interested in them?"

Zeiss said with an evil smile.

Obviously, he wanted to rip Lee off.

But Lee was not stupid. Zeiss's intention was obvious.

"You don't have to."

After saying that, Lee took Xiao Mei out of the shop.

As soon as he walked out of the shop, a white man entered the room.

Wearing a black suit, he looked fierce and kicked the door open.

"Damn it! Who the hell are you? You have to pay for the broken door!"

Zeiss was so angry that he couldn't stand it. But as soon as he finished his words, he found a pistol against his head.


"I'm here to bring something for my boss. I don't want to talk nonsense, OK?"

Zeiss was intimidated by his imposing manner.

It was true that Zeiss bullied the weak and feared the strong, but he also lived in this world?

After his finger reached into the dark box, a key was taken out by it.

Obviously, this was the mastermind behind Zeiss.

After handing over the key, Zeiss got his corresponding reward of one million dollars.

Looking at the bank card in front of him, Zeiss was lost in thought for a long time.

"Damn it! Being a middleman is a dangerous career. I won't do this kind of thing again!"

After a while, Zeiss closed the shop.

If he had money, he would naturally have a good meal and find a few beautiful girls to start a drunken nightlife.

As for Lee.

Lee, who was driving, received a remittance.

21 million dollars!

All of a sudden, Lee stopped the car in a hurry. The sudden break almost made Xiao Mei hit the driver's seat.

"What's wrong, boss?"

Lee's unusual attitude aroused Xiao Mei's suspicion.

But Lee's eyes were fixed on the remittance interface.

"How did he know my bank account number?"

That was what he was afraid of. It was a new bank card, and even Zeiss didn't know it.

The only thing that made sense was that he had been found out by the other party!

How do I say this? Was this a head-on blow to him?

Lee's face turned gloomy and angry.

The horrible enemy hiding in the darkness and Lee exposed in front of the enemy!

Maybe the other party liked to play tricks?

When he was about to think it over, Lee was interrupted by a phone call.

In the quiet car, the phone kept ringing, which looked very terrifying.

Lee's eyes widened at the sight of the phone.

It was his father!