Chapter 30 Someone Was Killed on the Way to the Airport!

Xiao Mei was stunned and had no idea what was wrong with her boss.

"Boss, I think you might need to see a doctor."

"No, I'm fine. On the contrary, I'm very good!"

Then Lee took out the check and showed it to Xiao Mei.

Xiao Mei was familiar with the check.

But when she saw the face value on the check, Xiao Mei was shocked, and then came fear.

"Boss, where did you get this?"

Xiao Mei had been with Lee recently. Xiao Mei remembered every income he made! It was not too much to say that 50 million dollars came out of nowhere!

But when Xiao Mei heard the source of the check from Lee, she didn't calm down. Instead, she became more flustered.

"Boss, the identity of the person who can offer so much money now is naturally not simple. If he takes revenge."

"And then? Do you think I will be afraid?"

In an instant, Xiao Mei couldn't help but be conquered by Lee's domineering speech. She was speechless.

While she was still in shock, Lee began to check the tickets to Switzerland.

Because this was a unique check of the Swiss bank. Unless they went far away, they could not withdraw this expensive deposit.

What's more, the check was nameless, which gave Lee convenience.

He hastily signed his name on it and took the related identification.

Lee didn't feel relieved until he arrived at the company.

Xiao Mei walked around with Lee, feeling tired.

"I think we can have a good rest on the plane."

Indeed, Lee felt pity for Xiao Mei when he saw her weak face. It was time for her to have a good rest.

This time, Lee would take Xiao Mei and Leng Feng with him to tell his family that his taste was no worse than his father who had a crush on him!

After telling everything in a hurry, the Goodboy Company was temporarily closed.

As for when it would reopen, that was a question!

"Really? Why are you in such a hurry to Switzerland?"

For convenience, Lee chose to take a taxi this time. After all, after parking the Rolls-Royce at the airport, it might be exposed to the sun for a few months. He didn't want to see his beloved car hurt after he came back.

In contrast, it was much more convenient to go back by taxi at one time.

Along the way, they could vaguely see the airport.

Lee was excited. He hadn't been to Switzerland before, so he was curious.

At this moment, a figure on a motorcycle came over inexplicably and crashed into a taxi!


Lee's eyes widened in surprise.

In an instant, the car turned sideways!

In the smell of gasoline, Leng Feng kicked the door open and got out with the two people.

But in comparison, the driver in the driver's seat was not so lucky. His body was squeezed together by countless steel!

It seemed to have turned into a pool of flesh mud, dead!

Seeing this, Lee was shocked. Who would have thought that the driver who just took a passenger on the road would die here? He just wanted to support his family!

Xiao Mei was still in shock.

"It doesn't seem to be an accident!"

As a top bodyguard, Leng Feng's intuition told him that things were not that simple!

As they expected, the motorbike exploded before they could react!


The strong aura threw the three people away, and their bodies were burnt!

Leng Feng and Lee, who had experienced a lot, were fine, but Xiao Mei, who was tender-skinned, burst into tears.

"Who is it? Stand out face to face! Why do you launch a sneak attack?"

Leng Feng shouted, with an ax in his hand.

Which was bought in Lo Sandra.

Although it was an old German handcraft, its combat effectiveness could not be underestimated!

A figure in a racing suit slowly walked behind the ruins of the car.

He threw his helmet away. It was a white man with blue eyes, which seemed to have endless killing intent, and he waved the dagger in his hand!

"I only have one goal. Please don't block my way!"

As he spoke, he fixed his eyes on Lee. It was obvious who he was aiming at.

Seeing the attitude of the other party, Leng Feng was angry.

Before he became Lee's bodyguard, he was a powerful man. After all, he was overshadowed by the man beside him.

And he was the one who drove the motorcycle!

He jumped out of the car halfway and escaped death by wearing a protective suit.

Now that he had just gotten up from the ground and was about to get rid of Lee. Lee couldn't help frowning at his attitude. "Are you looking down on me?"

"Three seconds later, there will be a bullet attack!"

The prompt sound echoed in her ears.

Lee opened his eyes wide and squatted down.


A bullet hit exactly on the asphalt road. If Lee reacted slowly, the bullet might hit Lee's head!

There were so many people passing by that it was impossible to tell who was the one who was in the back.

These people were just like watching the fun and eating snacks aside, which was annoying.

In the waiting hall of the airport.

Jessica, who had been waiting for Lee, was sent to the airport as soon as she learned that there was a fight at the intersection not far from the airport.

"The killer will quickly dodge the attacks of the bodyguards and stab the dagger into your throat!"

While he was speaking, the man in front of him had begun his actions.

He didn't know if he was agility or lucky enough to dodge Leng Feng's ax and come to Lee!

The dagger in his hand was shining in the sun!

If it weren't for the system, Lee would have been dead by now!

Lee was only one inch away, but he was able to save his life!

After realizing that he had dodged death's chase, Lee kicked the killer in the chest.

The strong force kicked the killer directly into the ruins of the car!

It was not until then that people realized that the person who was hunted this time was Mr. Lee, who had been famous recently!

Leng Feng raised the ax in his hand and pointed it at the killer's head. With his powerful arm, as long as he threw it out, he would be able to easily split the killer's head.

Jessica arrived at the critical moment!

With a gunshot, everyone stopped talking. Even Leng Feng put down his battle-ax.

"It's you?"

Seeing Lee's angry face, Jessica stepped back subconsciously.

At this moment, Lee looked like a god of death.

If it weren't for Jessica, Lee wouldn't have let the killer who wanted to kill him die so easily!

"What's going on? Lee, who are you messing with?"