Chapter 33 Landing on Mexico

The only good news was that the parachute on the plane was enough for everyone to use, but as the captain, the old man didn't plan to jump off the plane.

"Even if I die, I will be with my plane, and this can also minimize the loss!"

Lee was deeply touched by the captain's words.

"Sir, I will remember you. You are a real hero!"

Then the three of them carried the parachutes.

Now they were in the sky and needed oxygen masks for the time being, which was naturally for Xiao Mei.

"When the door is opened, there will be a strong airflow. Hold the things nearby tightly and don't be sucked in!"

Lee repeated. Who knew? He had jumped off a helicopter before, but this time it was an airplane. The altitude of their flight was different. Even if they had lowered the altitude, they were still more than 4,000 meters high! The city below looked as small as an ant.

Lee took a deep breath. It was the first time in his life that he had jumped off an airplane.

As the three leaders, Lee didn't forget to remind them, "We'll go downstairs first, but you have to remember that you only have half an hour!"

Everyone must be arranged to leave the plane in half an hour! No, 20 minutes! In the rest of the time, the captain of the airplane had to fly away from the city to minimize the loss!

At the thought of this, the purser's face darkened.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please keep your unnecessary luggage. Pack up your things now!"

After saying that, the cabin was opened, and a strong air nearly sucked Lee out.

The oxygen in the air was thin as if he had fallen into temporary suffocation, but as long as he adapted to this state, he would be fine.

And the city below seemed to be Mexico.

Lee grabbed Xiao Mei and jumped off with Leng Feng.

The piercing cold wind blew on their faces, making them very cold.

The city was faintly visible under the sunglasses.

They couldn't open the parachute at this height.

"Someone will grab the parachute in a minute."

The prompt tone of the system made Lee more vigilant. He looked up at the plane above his head and saw a figure standing at the door of the cabin!

"Oh, I see. To make sure the plan is flawless, even the murderer takes the plane?"

Just as he was thinking, the figure jumped down!

Although he had a parachute with him, he dove towards Lee.

It seemed that he had received professional training, and his descending speed increased with the change of his movements.

"Leng Feng!"

In a moment of desperation, Lee called out Leng Feng's name.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lee felt that someone grabbed his back and the next second, the umbrella was snatched away!


Leng Feng's eyes widened. There were gangsters on the plane! The three of them didn't expect that!

In an instant, a chaotic battle between the three of them appeared in the air.

A murder caused by a check?

The ax directly cut through his opponent's chest, and his clothes were wet with blood!

However, the parachute was lost because he let go of it!

It was impossible to get this distance, and it was close to the ground.

"No time! If you can trust me!"

Leng Feng held Lee in his arms and grasped Xiao Mei's collar tightly with the other hand.

"Listen to me. The best time to open the parachute!"

The city under his feet became clearer and clearer. The cars passing by and the wide road

It was a tall building!

This place was more than 1,500 meters high in the sky!

Leng Feng, who had rich experience, was calculating the distance between the landing site, and the bodies of the three were still descending!

When he was about 700 meters away, Leng Feng shouted loudly!

The two of them opened the parachute at the same time. Because Lee's parachute was snatched, he could only be held by Leng Feng, as delicate as a child.

On the other hand, the gangster who had been cut in the chest could only watch him fall. At this height, he could fall into flesh mud!

After opening the parachute, the three of them were stunned for a moment, and then slowly fell to the ground.

For those parachutists, the best landing place was the spacious square or even the pool.

After all, if they landed in the middle of the road, the probability of being hit to death by a car was not small, and controlling the direction in the high-rise buildings was a very nervous job.

For the first time, Xiao Mei would have crashed into a building if Leng Feng hadn't tied a rope to her.

Although she passed by the building, Xiao Mei was still full of lingering fear.

"Oh my God! I swear I won't do such a dangerous job again! Boss, I think I'd better stay in the company and work with the computer!"

Lee didn't know whether to cry or to laugh at Xiao Mei's words. Things had come to this point, and she couldn't continue to live a stable life before.

The three finally landed on flat ground, similar to the construction site which had just expanded its location.

The foreman who was eating looked at them in astonishment.

"Hey, gentlemen, you have landed on the construction site. I advise you to take away the horrible rubbish behind you, or I will not spare you!"

The foreman said angrily.

'who am I?' Lee thought bitterly. It was ridiculous to be scolded by a foreman in a strange country.

Looking up at the sky again, many people slowly descended, and the parachutes were opened one by one. Of course, some of the unlucky eggs' parachutists were stuck, and they were fiddling with them anxiously.

Some people who were close to the ground bumped into the building and fell at top speed. It seemed that they had fallen badly!

The foreman was stunned.

He had thought that the three young men in front of him were chasing excitement and playing skydive, but now it seemed that it was not the case.

"Sir, what happened?"

Nearly a hundred people jumped off the plane. Such a spectacular scene was rare to see!

Lee's words sounded farfetched.

"Well. An accident."

On the empty plane, the captain was busy operating everything until the city below the plane gradually disappeared. The radar showed that there was a vast sea below.

The captain heaved a sigh of relief.

"Damn it! Why did this happen?"

The captain's hasty action caught the attention of the tower.

"Mr. Steve, what's wrong with your flight? Why did you descend and deviate from the direction? You will be dismissed if you act like this!"

There was a rebuke from the other end of the tower, but it didn't matter to the captain.

This was the first and last time in his life that he had snapped at his superior!

"Screw your fucking rules!"

After saying that, he ignored the noise on the side of the tower and directly drove the plane to the sea!

An hour had passed since he learned that there was a bomb in the plane.

The captain's eyes widened.

"The bomb is in the passenger's luggage!"
