Chapter 38 Killers

In a dark room, Lee was sitting on a chair. Opposite Lee, the FBI was making coffee.

"What do you think about the rumor online?"

FBI looked calm as if Lee was not a big shot who had just experienced death.

The rumor that Lee was an angel sent by God.

There was no doubt that this idea was stupid.

"It's just that the believers can't find their god, and recently the society has been unrest, so they have faith in me. In other words, these are just the believers who have no one to rely on."

Then the coffee was ready.

Although it was Jessica's advice to Lee on one side, there was a bomb hidden in the plane on the other side.

Lee revealed all of these. Naturally, he said that he could hear the sound of the clock moving with his keen ears and that there was a bomb hidden in the plane with his years of fighting experience.

Of course, he couldn't say anything about the prompt tone of the system.

Lee didn't want to be treated like a lunatic.

After talking with the FBI for a while, Lee was released.

As soon as he went out, he saw Leng Feng and Xiao Mei who had been waiting for a long time.

Xiao Mei looked embarrassed and stared at the document in her hand in surprise. Then she said after a group of people went out.

"From the restaurant to here, and then you two have a conversation for an hour. Now the international train can only wait for five days!"

Lee felt embarrassed.

It seemed that he had to stay in this strange country for five days! This was certainly not good news.

For Lee, the earlier he cashed in, the safer he would be.

He knew the targets of these outlaws!

"Sir... I'm sorry. But it seems that you need to stay here for some time. "The FBI group was very upset.

These things could be told on the way to the train station, not in this small and pitiful place similar room like the interrogation room.

"Oh my God! Don't you have a private plane? Can we take a ride?"

After experiencing what had happened before, Xiao Mei felt very terrified in this country, as if she could die at any time.

Lee's heart was filled with bitterness. It seemed that what happened before had left a big psychological shadow in Xiao Mei's heart.

"I understand. Miss, you are in a bad mood. I am deeply touched!"

While speaking, the FBI felt ashamed that his level was still too low to use that kind of thing

Hearing this, all of them were disappointed.

"Damn it!"

"No, gentlemen, don't think about the bad situation. It's interesting to leave these evil forces behind in Mexico!"

For a moment, Lee and Leng Feng looked at the FBI in front of them with strange eyes.

Anyway, since they had to stay here for some time, they had to find a place to live!

After searching for a while, they finally chose a hotel. The interior decoration was not gorgeous, and it could only be regarded as a guesthouse.

Of course, this was also Lee's way to avoid attracting attention.

No one knew what would happen if they checked in the senior hotel!

The FBI had promised to keep them safe, but he would never think that if they started to fight, he might not even be able to defeat Lee, let alone Leng Feng!

Among the three, only Xiao Mei was the winner who didn't contribute.

"With all due respect, I would like to ask you why you went to Switzerland and why you encountered such things all the way. What a legend!"

The FBI was called Fretter. It had a serious identity, but his mind was often not online.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask."

Lee wasn't scared by Fretter's words at all. What was the FBI? In his eyes, they were just ordinary people!

"All right, all right. You can have a rest first. This is my phone number. If anything happens, just inform me."

Fretter took out a card, which was a personal card and fully equipped.

Lee took the business card. After all, the identity of the FBI group could avoid a lot of trouble for Lee.

Unnecessary fights would also be reduced.

After Fretter went far away, Lee called Jessica indignantly.

Who would have thought that the other party would ask if there was anyone to answer.

Lee had told Jessica that she shouldn't let anyone on her side get involved.

"You are acting without authorization. Where is the discipline of your team?"

But he didn't expect the other part to be so mean.

She just wanted to protect Lee, and Lee couldn't complain about it.

Looking at the spacious hotel in front of him, Lee's heart was full of hesitation. He was going to spend the next five days here!

Although the danger was with him, the days would go on.

Today was the fifth day, and it was also the day when the international train returned. Lee got up early today with an excited expression.

To be honest, he didn't want to stay here any longer.

So did Leng Feng and Xiao Mei.

When they were busy packing up her things and were about to leave. At this time, a knock on the door made the three people alert at the same time.


The door was slowly opened and they saw clearly that it was Fretter.

"Hey guys, today is the fifth day. Let me help you to the station!"

Fretter's face was full of excitement. This kind of expression surprised them. Why did they feel that Fretter was more excited than them?

"Please, this is Jessica's idea."


The three of them checked out of the room and got on Fretter's white car. The four of them each got in the car.

The space in the back row was still large, so it was not crowded.

The car started slowly. The destination was the train station?

Lee was looking out of the window in a daze when a phone call interrupted him.

He took out his phone and found it was Jessica calling.

"Lee, is there anyone on your side? We just found Fretter's body..."

Lee was taken aback by her words!

Fretter was dead! Then who is Fretter here?

The voice was put on speaker, so everyone in the car could hear it, including Fretter who was driving!

"Wait a minute. I have something to deal with here. I'll call you later!"

After saying that, Lee hung up the phone and turned around to look at the "Fretter" in front of him!

"So you are also a killer?"

Lee's face was gloomy, but the man was driving and driving fast on the road. Otherwise, they would have started to fight!

Fretter, whose identity was exposed, snorted coldly.

"I can't hide it from you, but it doesn't matter!"

All of a sudden, Fretter turned to look at Lee!

This action scared all the people in the car. He was still driving!

"Bastard, do you want to die with us?"


Several cars crashed into each other on the long road!