Chapter 53 Love

In the tavern.

Lee returned to his room with the tired Anna.

If Lee had known that Anna was a heavy drinker, he wouldn't let her drink. But now that things had come to this, what could he do?

Looking at the half-drunk Anna, Lee sat on the bedside silently.

It was the first day that he came back to the family and his relationship with his father had been restored. It would be better to stay at home and sleep.

But Lee wouldn't rest assured to leave Anna alone in the room.

He thought about it for a long time and didn't know what to do.

At this moment, the phone in Anna's backpack suddenly rang, interrupting the quiet atmosphere.

Afraid of waking Anna up, Lee hurriedly took out her phone from her bag.

Lee was scared out of his wits.

The caller was Anna's brother, Jeffery!