Chapter 229 The So-Called Weakness

In the dark basement, Lee had tried his best to persuade the killer in front of him to speak the truth.

"Okay, but I have to make sure one thing."

The killer seemed to have some misgivings. He looked up at Lee in surprise.

"If I tell you the information, will my wife and children be safe?"

The killer's words surprised Lee.

After thinking carefully, he understood that the killer organization stipulated that if they revealed the information about their employers, their ending would be miserable.

Because almost all the information about his family was controlled by the other party. There was no doubt that it was a threat.

Lee snorted, "It's just an organization of killers. It won't scare me."

Perhaps others would think that Lee was telling a joke, but only Lee knew what kind of method he had to destroy the whole killer organization!

"Tell me. I just want to know who wants my life behind the scenes?"

Lee said again, but there was a strange look on his face.