Chapter 255 The Messenger

Then he hung up the phone.

Franky looked at the young man in front of him with interest, he had probably guessed the source of the gun.

He must have something to do with Sahbrale, a snobbish man!

Thinking of this, Franky couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

"If you put this gun on the ground and kick it to me, I won't hold you accountable. But if you are still so stubborn, as an international policeman, I can arrest you."

As an international policeman, it was not easy for him to spare some time to help Leng Feng and others solve problems.

How could he manage such things?

And Rogue seemed to be angrier when he heard it.

"Don't try to frighten me. You are just a group of people with a little strength, but you are so arrogant!"

After saying that, Rogue was about to pull the trigger.

Leng Feng was very sensitive to this kind of action.

Almost the moment Rogue pulled the trigger, Leng Feng dodged the bullet in a flash.


The bullet hit the wall, leaving a deep mark.