Chapter 305 In a Mess

"There is a demon sealed in the sacred cup, and this fellow is using human soul and flesh as power and food. If I'm not wrong, this fellow should be absorbing energy now!"

'I don't seem to be a match for it,' Pina thought with a frown.

At this critical moment, he thought of the sacred cup.

"That thing is the key to subduing this guy!"

As Pina spoke, he was about to bring the sacred cup with him.

However, at this time, the monster seemed to have sensed Pina's movement and directly threw the dagger away.

The attack with great power shattered the sacred cup.

At this moment, he was stunned.

"The sacred cup has broken?"

As the only thing that could defeat the demon, it was destroyed so easily?

He couldn't believe it, nor was he willing to believe it.

French, who was possessed by the demon, snorted coldly and was about to attack the two of them.

According to the strength of the demon, it was not difficult to kill the two of them.