Chapter 359 Returned the Corpse to the Family

Hearing this, Lee smiled bitterly. Then the car started slowly, aiming at Nonus's house.

Lee should be glad that Pina had a good memory. Otherwise, they wouldn't know where Nonus's house was.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the car was strange.

Lee couldn't stand it anymore, so he changed the subject. "Er. How do you think her family will react when they know her death?"

But soon Lee realized that he had said something nonsense.

How would her family react if she died? They must be sad and unwilling to believe it.

Thinking of this, Lee couldn't help but smile bitterly. It seemed that Pina next to him had already looked through this.

"No matter what her family says, at least I won't object to their opinions."

After saying that, Pina turned his head to look at the trunk. At this time, the two people seemed to have drunk at night and accidentally hit someone to death.

In the end, he roughly disposed of the corpse and threw it into the trunk.