Chapter 375 Ranked First

About half an hour later, the leader of the police station, the head of police station Liang Qiuhe, led his team and rushed here. He blocked all the entrances and exits of the hotel and was accompanied by the hotel manager to the private room where Lin Youyou was.

After comparing the woman's appearance with his information and making sure that it was correct, Liang Qiuhe ordered his men to take her away and interrogate her as soon as possible.

Strangely enough, the demon-eliminating organization had sent him the related information about the criminals again, and this was the third time in a row. If he didn't know his character and style, he would be suspected as a spy working for the organization.

When Liang Qiuhe was doubting himself, a message popped up on his phone.

"Leave one team to escort Lin Youyou back to the police station, and the rest go with me."