Chapter 414 Took Refuge in a New Master

"Get out!"

Lee was so angry that the old man didn't know how to respond.

Logically speaking, most young people would calmly say that they were fine after hearing his words.

They at least would say some polite words. No one would come up and scold him directly like this young man.

"I'm just here to discuss business with you, sir."

The old man tried his best to hold back his anger and put on a sincere smile.

"I'm not interested.

Guards, drive this old man out!"

Suddenly, several bodyguards ran in and surrounded the old man.


The old man looked at the bodyguards around him and smiled disdainfully. "It's not that I look down upon your men. They are too weak."

Lee sneered, "Really?

You are allowed to use hand weapons."

After receiving Lee's order, these bodyguards immediately took out their weapons and pointed them at the old man in the center.

"Who do you think will win and who will lose?"

Were young people nowadays so unruly?