Chapter 416 Revealing a Flaw

"If you still don't believe me, you can leave right now. I won't stop you."

He opened the door for the old man and made way for him. It was his own will to leave or stay.

"I believe you this time."

The old man reluctantly agreed to stay and cooperated with Lee to finish a play.

He knew very well that if he refused Lee's kindness, he would go back to report. Whether what he said was reliable or useful, he would be killed by that girl afterward.

But if he stayed with Lee, he would not die. At least he could live a peaceful life for the rest of his life.

After leaving the door of the demon-eliminating organization, he did not have any ability to protect himself. Even if he turned himself in, it was not safe to stay in prison.

This was the only place he could rest at ease.

"Prepare your emotions and lines. The shooting will begin in the afternoon."

Lee reminded him.

"Wait a minute. I'm okay with the lines, but how should I make up my emotions?"
