Chapter 426 Background Was Not Simple

"Ten times?"

Even though she was a killer and a model, she couldn't afford this price in her life, unless she didn't eat or drink, just breathing air or swindling food and drink for the rest of her life.

Not to mention that this hotel was just a property of the boss, and its value was only about 10 million dollars. Just taking out hundreds of millions of working capital easily, meant that this young man's background was not simple.

At least he was not just a chief of the so-called demon-eliminating organization.

Some mercenaries or killers didn't care about the amount of money or who paid. The payment they asked for depended on their mood that day. If they were in a bad mood, no matter how much money they'd get, it was useless. If they were in a good mood, they'd do something for free.

To subdue them, there was almost no match except for the domestic special arms.

But why could this young man invite so many masters who could beat her?