Chapter 450 Rumors

Of course, these were all said by others. It was still uncertain whether it was true or not. Lee didn't have the time to investigate the truth one by one. He just collected them and prepared to use them in the plan.

As Lee inquired, those who were observing in secret couldn't wait any longer. They must keep the secret and prevent the news from spreading.

With Lee's prestige in the village, it was easy for him to make these rumors that hadn't been confirmed true.

The old people in the village must believe it 100%, and once they believed that what Lee said was true, no matter how others refuted it, it was useless.

Because these old men were the first to work with the old leader, basically considered the founding ministers. These people were important enough and had a high position in the village. Even the old leader did not dare to offend them easily.

Now that they were on Lee's side, they naturally helped Lee share the pressure and resist the joint attack of others.