Chapter 475 A Hair Stand on End

"Let's get out of here as soon as possible. I don't know why, but I always feel a creepy feeling, as if something is nearby." "Don't worry. I just saw some small animals crawling, but nothing came close. I think it should be just an illusion." Lee thought to himself, 'He worries in vain. There can't be any ghosts nearby.'

At this moment, a gust of cold air rushed from the soles of their feet to the forehead, making Liu Yinglang's body tremble.

Suddenly, a black light rushed towards him at a lightning speed.

Lee hurried to take it, but he only caught a piece of paper.

He opened it and saw only a sentence on the paper, "Don't step into this place again!"

Liu Yinglang leaned over and took a look.

These words made his face suddenly pale, and he fell to the ground as if all his strength had been sucked out.

These words were like a death warrant, making him completely scared.

"What should we do?

Do we have to wait for death here?"