Chapter 497 Unwilling to Die

The man with a sword said, looking at these people.

"We are willing to submit to our master. Please let us go. Don't kill us. Don't kill us."

A timid man said.

The rest of them all knelt and begged for mercy loudly.

However, it was useless. Their heads were still cut off, and they died with regret. They were unwilling to die, and they still kept their fear before death.

Seeing this, Lee, who was standing not far away, couldn't help but shake his head. He didn't stop them. He knew that it was useless to stop them. They couldn't change their minds.

So he simply left. He couldn't care so much about this matter. Anyway, the final result was the same. They were dead.

And he also knew that even if he didn't leave, the ending for these people would be the same. This was an unchangeable and inevitable fact. He didn't have any sympathy for his enemy.

"You are courting death. In that case, don't blame me for being rude!"