Chapter 505 Very Terrifying

The man said to Lee.

Looking at the huge stone tablet, Lee's mood became complicated.

"There are many creatures in the cave that I can't see through. You'd better be careful. After all, the dark monsters in the cave are very terrifying."

The man added.

Hearing this, Lee nodded and wondered what kind of fierce existence was hidden in the cave. Even the man felt a little scared.

At the thought of this, Lee couldn't help but tremble with fear.

Seeing Lee's expression, the man knew that Lee was worried. He comforted, "But don't worry. As long as we are careful, we won't meet those powerful dark monsters. Let's go inside!" Lee nodded and followed the man inside.

"This is a cave with a large space. I saw a door inside. I think the main tomb of this cave should be the one leading to that big tomb."

The man said.

Lee nodded and continued to walk inside.

The two of them advanced all the way. Soon, they arrived at a spacious and bright hall.