Chapter 531 Hesitation

Then he hung up the phone without giving Lee a chance to ask.

Lee, on the other hand, was stunned to learn the details of the mission.

What the hell?

What did NMN mean? Why didn't he explain it to him?

Besides, how could this old guy trust him so much that he could get the technology?

Wasn't he afraid that he wouldn't give it to him?

However, before Lee came to his senses, the task of the system came again.

"Ding, trigger the hidden task: get the longevity drug. Task reward: random." Damn it! No one has ever explained to him what NMN was and what was this longevity drug.

Lee directly surfed the Internet.

It didn't matter if he didn't search for it.

"Wow, that's what NMN means."

NMN, the English name was too long, so he didn't want to repeat it. The Chinese name was complex too. Anyway, it sounded awesome. It was made by a foreigner.