Chapter 559 Excitement

As soon as he finished speaking, several holy knights with different weapons suddenly appeared behind him and rushed toward those old men.


Screams echoed in the sky. Blood and flesh flew in the air, and fresh heads were thrown into the air one by one. Blood mist splashed, and a strong smell of blood pervaded the whole world, making people want to vomit.

"Run! Don't look back!" Another group of old men shouted.

"Run? Hahaha. Can you escape?" Mackery laughed wildly. His laughter spread all over the city, causing the whole city to panic.


Seeing this, the other group of old people turned around and ran desperately, not daring to stay for a moment, fearing that they would die here if they slowed down a little.

"Escape? Can you escape?" With a wave of Mackery's hand, the crowd behind him immediately caught up and surrounded them.

Seeing that there was no hope for them to escape, those old men had to stop and turn around to fight their enemies.