Chapter 574 Down the Drain

After all, the sin of these people was too deep. They were just a group of ordinary people, how could they care about other people's life and death?

The wail lasted for half an hour, and Mackery finally stopped twitching, leaving only a withered corpse lying on the ground.

A passer-by walked over, turned over, and patted him on the back with his hand. Then he squatted down and looked carefully. He was relieved to find that the other party was dead.

Then the passer-by stood up and walked away. He didn't know that what he had just done was seen by someone.

A figure slowly emerged from the darkness, standing in the air and looking at the corpse of Mackery on the ground. His eyes were full of murderous will, but then it turned into a trace of a sigh and he whispered to himself, "I really can't believe that he will die here."

He flashed back to the dark place.