Chapter 579 Unbridled

"There are no injuries. The only superficial injuries are only scratches on the skin. They are not fatal." "The cause of death is from internal injuries. It is preliminary concluded that the internal organs can't bear the pressure and she was suffocated." "What can be done to this extent is not something that a human can do, unless."

Several members of the special action department, including Ellison, turned to look at Lee in unison. Then they looked at each other and nodded.

There was no doubt that the mutant was most likely killed by Lee, but he didn't want to admit it.

After all, not long ago, they also knew that Lee was also a mutant, but his ability was not like other mutants. He was an auxiliary and very abnormal mutant.

Noticing the looks in these guys' eyes and understanding what they were thinking, Lee wanted to explain.

He had just arrived here, and all this had happened. Before he could make a move, the other party had hung up.

She was killed by herself, not by him!